Politica release

Politica was released on the 3rd of January, 2024.

It is my fourth book.

It is set in an unnamed region and examines the impact of politics on people’s lives. There are no dates and times, the typical details found in common presentation of politics. Instead, my attention is on individuals in a community and then a broader region.

When I consider Politica and how it sits next to my other books, I now think that my books centre on a community. The House of Youssef was about the Lebanese community in Sydney. Australiana was about a rural community during bushfires, floods and drought. The Lovers, even though it focuses on Amir and Jamila, is also a love story within the context of a community.

And then there is Politica. It starts with Jamal who wants to join the revolution. It then goes to Politica and the family at the centre of a revolution. The 3rd part (The Well) is a quiet moment in the trajectory of the book. The focus starts to open out to what’s happening in the community. In the 4th part (1973), a woman reflects on her life, thinking how her world never recovered from the events of 1973. She has, as most of us do, a sense that there’s a before, a line, and then the period she now lives in. The last section is Historia. In Spanish, this word has a double meaning. It is both story and history. While the entire book is fiction, there are around 10 pieces that draw on real events. Those who know the history of the Arab World will see additional resonance but it is not necessary for immersing oneself in Politica.

Why did I call this book Politica? It is said that women focus their attention on relationships and connection. I am not sure there is any other focus when it comes to understanding what is important in life. I considered the Arabic and English versions of the word. I went for Politica because it is a feminine noun. It is a little nod to Latin America, as is calling a section 1973. I have been following Arab politics my entire life but Latin America has been a useful parallel and a frame with which to consider the Arab World. Titling a section 1973 is reference to the coup that happened in Chile. When we consider our own personal and social histories, there is always a moment after which, we are never the same.

For people who have read The Lovers, Amir has a little cameo in Politica. He actually began his life here and my plan was originally to have The Lovers as part of Politica but then I thought it would distort the structure of this book. Hence the separation. When I imagine these two books, they share a common world.


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